All Blog Entries by Gary Zimmel (Admin)

Found 56 blog entries published by Gary Zimmel (Admin).

Although Summer may seem like the hot season for real estate. Autumn can also be quite the time for selling or buying a home. With the hectic days of vacation gone and the holidays not quite here, Autumn guarantees about 80 days of normalcy where it is the perfect time to move.

Are you looking to sell your home before the snow hits? Read on to see our best tips for attracting buyers to your home this Autumn.

Clean Up Your Yard.

Now is the time to get your yard looking its best! Rake dead leaves and prune back overgrown vegetation. Cutaway vines and dead flowers, and make sure you groom bushes and tree limbs back to let the most possible light into your home.


If you're looking for extra curb appeal, plant Fall flowers like chrysanthemums

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Back to school is a time of transition-not only for children, but for everyone living inside your home.

To help you cope with the usual first-day-of -school jitters, we've created a short list of tips to help you get back into the swing of things that will keep you organized and stop your home from becoming a disaster come September 1st.

1) Shop For School Supplies- And Keep Them Organized

Ah, the dreaded back to school shop. Rather than scrambling at the last minute, plan your back to school shopping for early or late August. Once you make your purchases, make a point of unpacking them with your child and organizing them according to their category-clothing, shoes, and school supplies.

2) Set up a Homework Station


Sit down

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If there's one thing Edmonton home owners know, it's that our Summer gardening season is incredibly short

September in Edmonton can be a little erratic weather wise, which is why it's important to start prepping for garden for fall long before the cool weather hits. Prepping your garden for cooler weather can also lead to a better garden in the Spring-this is especially important for homeowners looking to list their home next summer. Read on to discover our favourite pre-Fall Gardening tips!

Examine Your Space


Perhaps the most important pre-Fall tip one can give you is to examine your garden- both at its peek and as it starts to slow down. Look for bald patches of soil that require amendments, overgrown plants that need to be decided, which

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With only one month of summer left most of us are stuck between two schools of thought - we want to take advantage of the warm weather while it lasts, but we've already crossed off a lot of must dos from our summer bucket list.

Lucky for us, we live in the Festival City - meaning there's always something to do! Read on to see our list of must - do events to make the most of the rest of summer!

1) Heritage Days - August 4th through 6th at Hawrelak Park


The Edmonton Heritage Festival is a three-day event to sample delicious food, see creative performances, and celebrate Canada's multiculturalism. Enjoy the tastes, smells, sights and sounds from 100 countries and cultures at 71 outdoor pavilions.

2) Edmonton Folk Music Festival - August 9th

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Whether you're looking for a fun craft for the kids or a way to kill some time yourself, DIY projects can be a great way to add some unique and thrifty decor to your home.

There's still plenty of summer left to enjoy, and with that in mind we've compiled our top 5 favourite DIY home decor projects that are both easy to recreate and are sure to add a touch of summer to your home.

Hang a Front Door Shell Wreath


Perfect for the cabin or your own front door. This project is as simple as stopping by your local Michaels Craft Store and grabbing a wreath and some shells - all you have to do is glue hot glue the shells into place and hang! Feel free to leave the wreath as covered or as bare as you like. For an extra beachy feel you can even wrap

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A bright and well lit home is one that appeals to plenty of buyers-not only does a bright home seem friendly and more welcoming, but it also gives off the appearance of being more spacious and livable. Whether you do it yourself or consult a stylist for some help, the principles are the same. Read below to discover our top 5 tips for creating a bright and open house worthy home!

1) Make the Most of Natural Light

One of the first things all Real Estate Agents do at an open house is ti open up all the blinds and window coverings. If there are areas of your home where privacy isn't an issue, then it might pay to remove any window coverings that obstruct the amount of light that comes in. Remember to make sure your windows are freshly cleaned so the let

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Another heat wave is set to hit our fair city. With the weather being so hot and the kids no longer in the classrooms it can be a shame to keep them cooped up in the house with the air conditioning. Here are some heat-beating activities to keep the kids happy and cool during Edmonton's latest heatwave!

Go Swimming! When it's really warm, stay out of the sun at an indoor pool, preferably the World Waterpark at West Edmonton Mall. When the sun is less intense, why not get outside and have fun at one of the city's outdoor pools or spray parks?


Play Inside! Indoor playgrounds like the YMCA or Cafe O' Play are open all summer, with added bonus of being far less busy than in the winter!


Embrace Summer Programs! Have you been to the kid's

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It's a sellers worst nightmare - finally listing your home and having it spend months on the market without a single showing.

Summer seems to be real estate season in Edmonton, and with so many houses currently listed and being sold it can be discouraging to list your home only to sit for months on the market without a single inquiry. Not only is this situation frustrating, it can also be an indication that something is amis with your listing. Read on to learn some common errors sellers make and how to avoid them.

1. The Problem: You're Overestimating Your Homes Value

Depending on your neighbourhood and the market there's always a chance your home will be snapped up at any price, no matter its condition. But that isn't a strategy to count on. Be

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